Last week Google rolled out Android Lollopop 5.1 unexpectedly, without a formal announcement, just confirmation that it existed once industry bloggers took note. A new Android release usually produces a bit of fanfare, and last year’s Android Lollipop 5.0 was no exception. With 5.1, no changelog has been officially released. However, experts have been able to put together some information about the new version based on a leaked document from December.
Android Lollipop 5.1 is now available on a handful of Nexus phones including Nexus 5, 6 and 9. Many sites are reporting that 5.1 has also been released in some international Android One markets, such as Indonesia.
Android 5.1 is a robust update to the issues found in 5.0, Androids most recent major OS release. A few of the rumored fixes and features, based on the December leak, include:
- Silent mode. (This feature was missing from Lollipop 5.0.)
- Better management of the RAM.
- A more stable system.
- Fixes for problems with sudden app closures.
- Better battery management.
- Fixes for issues with wireless connections.
- Fixes for notification problems.
In addition to those changes, many experts are hoping that 5.1 will unify the various Android versions currently available on Nexus devices. Also, they are hoping that other Android handset markers will finally be able to catch up and offer the latest version.
Check this list for when you can expect to update to Android 5.1.