Post ELD Mandate Landscape
The last rollout for electronic logging mandate compliance was December 16, 2019. That has covered all of the grandfathered-in AOBRDs that were included in the ELD mandate for commercial truck drivers and carriers. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), ELDs are required by all drivers except “drivers who use the time card exception, and don’t keep paper RODs.” For drivers crossing the interstate and abiding by hours of service rules, ELDs are fully implemented. Find out what this means for drivers in terms of compliance stats and how to maintain your own compliance as a fleet owner or operator.
Fines for Non-Compliance Post ELD Mandate
For truck drivers and carriers that are not following the ELD mandate, there are some hefty fines that can be garnered. These include fines of $1,000 to $10,000 for ELD violations depending on the severity of the violation. The deadline for compliance means that you or your driver will now be at risk of incurring this penalty. The way to avoid a penalty is by having a properly certified ELD device installed in each of your actively running commercial trucks. You also need to have a mounting device for ensuring you are meeting compliance regulations for hands-free devices.
Actual ELD Compliance Numbers
The numbers of how many drivers have met compliance for the ELD mandate are still under wraps. It has been two months since the deadline has passed. We can anticipate seeing reports from the FMCSA, DOT, and American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) within the next year regarding results from the mandate. Estimates show 1.5 million trucks made the switch from AOBRD to ELD in 2019 alone. Remember, all trucks and ELDs must be hands-free capable to maintain compliance and overall safety.
Find ELD Mount Bundles
In order to make sure your fleet is compliant with the mandate, consider the use of an ELD mount bundle. Our bundles provide your team of drivers with everything they need to complete the transition to full compliance. You will be able to handle purchasing and installation, as well as maintenance and repairs, using the ProClip ELD bundle. Find out more about our ELD mounting devices and bundles today and see how we can save your company money. Contact ProClip for more information and to get started with your bundle.