We stood in line to buy the iPhone 5s and 5c Friday morning at an Apple Store in Madison, WI. While the line was long, everyone was too excited to care. They spent their time using their iPhone 5’s for the last time before upgrading to the latest and greatest iPhones.

iPhone 5s
We purchased two iPhone 5s models – one to be given away to the lucky winner of our iPhone 5s Giveaway. The entry period ended September 20th, so hopefully you got a chance to enter!
The second of the two phones was used for testing. We have confirmed that the iPhone 5s will fit in our current holders for iPhone 5 as the dimensions of these two iPhones are the same. Keep in mind that with the new finger print scanner certain case companies will most likely make different cases to accommodate this feature. This may change the size/shape/form of the iPhone 5s which in turn may change the fitment of a few of our holders. We’ll stay on top of this and keep you updated here on our blog and of course on our Facebook page. You can shop iPhone 5s holders now on our website.
iPhone 5c
We also purchased an iPhone 5c today. The dimensions of this phone are not quite the same as the 5 and 5s. We will be shipping this phone over to our manufacturer in Sweden where they will be developing new custom holders for the 5c. We expect to have these holders on our website sometime next week.
As we receive more information on our iPhone 5c holders, we will keep our Facebook, Twitter and Blog up to date with all new information.