November 2012 Customer Testimonials

See what some of our Happy Customers said about ProClip this past month.

Who loves ProClip? They do!

Check out some of our latest testimonials sent in by Happy ProClip Customers!

I’ve really been impressed with the awesome customer service these folks offer. So far, I’ve ordered four items from them and am just completely thrilled with their service. I can’t recommend them enough!
-Anna Rose on Facebook

Thanks again for all the fantastic customer service you all do. It’s very hard to find that in these days of what some call “Customer No-Service”.
– Lisa G. from California

I’ve been using ProClips since my 2008 R32 in a variety of cars and love that I can simply purchase the new vehicle specific mount every time I move to a new car and not need to buy the phone holder every time, very nice.  Also the fit and finish is totally unmatched and as close to OEM as anyone is going to find while the installation is as quick and painless as possible.  Mostly, it is the attention to detail in mounting positions… that keep me coming back as a customer, right ergonomically where my hand typically rests on the gear selector and just a smidgen higher – right where I think VW would have placed it were they doing the same.  Keep up the great work and I’ll continue to recommend it to peers and colleagues as there’s no better way to keep your phone within reach while not having to juggle cup holders etc.

Thanks you and thanks again for your very very quick release time on both the vehicle mounts and phone mounts!
-Erik R. from California

Long time user, seldom time writer. Your ProClip iPhone 5 holders, with cable connect are great. (I have two now).
-Kevin W. from Indiana