March 2013 Customer Testimonials

Have you seen these awesome comments from customers in March? ProClip customers are great!
Customer Testimonials

Have you seen these awesome comments from customers in March?

You guys are great!

Got my package today WOW! Awesome Mount and Holder!
Thanks ProClip! — Paul T.

Won’t ever use any other holder in our business cars! It is by far the best, most secure, most legal – for on the road driving. Highly recommend one to anyone who drives and has to use a cell phone while on speaker of course! — Shauna E.

Have used ProClip mounts for my iPhone 4, iPad and iPad Mini in three cars, and find them far, far, superior to any other mounts I have used (suction, cup holder or bean bag). Great products and come from Wisconsin! — Michael B.

I own cars, truck, two cycles,and have mounts provided by Proclip for all! I’m trying to figure out now, if I should mount one on my John Deere tractor! — John T.

Pro clip has solved all my travel problems. My GPS and iPhone now stay in place. The mounts are easily installed and conviently located. I have mounts in my every day car and in my corvette. All I need to do is move the devise from one car to the other and I am ready to start the car and be on my way. Thank you Pro Clip USA — Linda O.