Have you seen HTC’s newest phone?
No, we’re not talking about the impressive HTC One, which goes on sale starting April 19. We’re talking about the HTC First. This is the “first” (get it?) smartphone that will be released with Facebook’s new “Home” feature for Android. The phone is set to go on sale starting April 12.

HTC First
The First is a mid-range phone from HTC. It will have a 4.3-inch 720p glass display and run on Android Jelly Bean v4.1 with new Facebook Home. It features 16GB of storage and 1GB memory with a 1.4 GHz dual-core Snapdragon processor. The HTC First will be available in black, white, red and blue. The phone can be pre-ordered from AT&T right now for $99.99.
Facebook Home
The idea of Facebook Home is to feature your Facebook News feed on the home and lock screens of the phone. Home is a constant stream of content and images from your Facebook friends and you can like and comment on posts without loading or opening a separate Facebook app.
Reviews of HTC First
So far, HTC First and Facebook Home have received mixed reviews. Some say HTC First is a simple phone made for teenagers who spend all of their time on Facebook. Other reviews give praise to Facebook Home but say the phone itself leaves something to be desired, as shown in this HTC One review by Gizmodo.
Home screen navigation appears fast and nimble, with full-screen images flipping past as fast as their finger swipes… Otherwise, details on hardware are still pretty sparse.
Check out more reviews of HTC First in this Forbes article.
What do you think of the HTC One? Is it a phone for you?