Android phones offer a wealth of features that make them easy to use. But, the phones can be so rich in features that a few useful ones may have passed you by. While every Android OS is a little different, these features should be available on nearly all phones:
Single-Tap Calling
Do you have someone who you seem to call more often than anyone else? You can save their contact page to the home screen of your Android phone. To add one, simply press and hold an empty spot on your home screen. When the dialog pops up, choose Shortcuts>Contact.
Use Your Phone as a Portable Hard Drive
If you’re like most people, you never seem to have a thumb drive when you need one. But, by hooking up your phone to your computer via USB and switching from “Charge only” to “Disk drive” you can access your phone’s storage.
Quickly Re-Open Apps
Accidentally close an app? Instead of scrolling through your phone’s apps all over again, simply hold down the Home button. A list of your recently closed apps will pop up.
Organize Apps
Have you acquired dozens of games, social media and other apps on your phone? You can organize them by folder on your desktop. Hold down an open space on the Home screen, then choose Folders>New Folder. Fill these with like apps or ones you often want to use together to save yourself time scrolling through your apps.
Get Free Texting
Every Google account can access Google Voice. Launch the Voice app on your phone and set it as your default outgoing number to save minutes or send texts for free if you are on a limited plan. It can also be used to make calls over wifi if you are having trouble getting a signal to make a call on your phone. (Remember, even when your phone is safely in its mount, don’t text and drive!)
What are a few of the secret features you’ve discovered that make using your Android phone even easier?