December 2012 Customer Testimonials

Need help deciding to buy a ProClip mount? Read customer testimonials and products reviews sent in by some of our awesome customers during December.

We hope everyone had a great holiday and a happy New Year!

Here are some of the great testimonials we received last month from our awesome customers!

I’ve been using ProClip products since the 1st “smartphone” and consumer GPS became available. Their holders and accessories are well made and always work. – Karl H.

I’ve been using mounts for the past four years with every phone I’ve had. After much experiment I’ve settled on the ProClip product line and I highly recommend it… I’ve bought mounts for my two college aged children and then added a Bluetooth device to make it complete… The mounts are very strong, well made and extremely durable. Hope that all will find these car mounts as useful and as necessary as I do. – David T. from FL

I continue to be amazed at your level of service and quality of product. ProClip is one of very few companies I regularly endorse to all my business associates, family and friends. I want to thank you all for making my life that much safer as I work. – James G.

I base my car purchases on ProClip mounts! Seriously! Safest solution to have ever been conceived. Their customer service has been world-class for many years. A very friendly and down-to-Earth staff makes the whole. – Brandon D. from WI

I am a Field Engineer and I am regularly issued a fleet vehicle and the interchangeability of the ProClip is the best offered in the industry. Keep up the great work and thank you from me and the rest of my team. – Tomas D. from TX

My son had a ProClip for his iPhone and my husband bought me one for our anniversary. When we bought another car, I had to have one for that car as well. This one is better than the first and I wouldn’t have a car without it! Absolutely love my ProClip and think anyone who drives and has a phone needs to have one installed. It should become a standard issue for all cars. – Carolyn S. from CA

Love these mounts. Easy and solid. I think of them mostly in terms of safety. One day we will quit screwing with our phones in our laps, looking down and creating havoc on the highways. Be safe everyone. We have to be respectful and monitor our usage but these mounts can play a significant role. – Eric P. from IA

I have owned many of their products and loved every one. I tried a more expensive competitor first and found ProClip to be better quality. Not one of the mounts I have purchased has disappointed me in any way. I use one of their mounts in my road race car that pulls over 1.4g’s of force in some corners and has a very stiff suspension yet the phone has not budged at all. Great products! – Jason B. from GA