September 2012 Customer Testimonials

Check out what great things our customers had to say about ProClip USA in September in these customer testimonials.

It’s the end of the month again. Which means we have more testimonials to share with you from the past month.

We have a lot of people who don’t realize just how great our products are until they try them. They don’t understand the love for ProClip. We can tell people all day long about how great we think our products are, but who cares what we think, right?

You just need to own a ProClip to understand, but these testimonials may help, or at least convince you that we and all the ProClip fans out there aren’t nuts for loving our products so much.

From Eric

I finally had the time to switch out the mount and it works MUCH better.  The oscillation at idle is completely gone and it seems much more stable in motion as well.

Thanks for not only listening to what your customers are telling you, but for taking action based on customer feedback.  While I didn’t need any convincing to know your products are the best out there… this just gives me a great story to tell my friends and anyone else who asks about your products.

You guys are the best and thanks again for taking such quick and effective action!

From Bob V.

Great customer service!!!!  Thanks…  I’ll continue to recommend ProClip to my friends.

From Ed G.

I wanted to let you know that I recently ordered a mount for my Motorola Droid.  It’s item 512290.  I ordered it from the website that you host with Hen’s Teeth.

I am really impressed with the mount.  The fit and finish are excellent. It installed to a standard mounting plate that I salvaged from an old in-car cell phone installation, holds the phone quite solidly, mates perfectly with the USB connector, and stays where I put it.

In short, I couldn’t be happier.  I don’t know where else I could have gotten such a fine execution of this concept. Certainly not from Motorola, whose offering falls way short.

Thanks for the fine work delivering a solution for me.

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